It seems that those journalists not affected by the ownership change tend to view journalism ethics and the ability of journalism to exert power more seriously than before. We also present the manner in which these changes are reflected in emerging media projects. This paper-based on the results of the Czech part of the Worlds of Journalism Study project-addresses the shift in the ways journalists perceive their roles and ethical responsibilities before and after the 2013 ownership changes. In response, a significant number of leading, well-known journalists left media owned by big business and launched projects of quality or “slow” journalism which had until that point been merely discussed theoretically. The first case in particular instigated immense discussion about the economic and ethical crisis facing Czech journalism since Babiš is also a powerful political figure (currently the Minister of Finance). Turmoil dev here: We have been porting the game to Unit圓D which supports 64 bit OSX. Most striking was the purchase of one of the largest publishing houses Mafra by the tycoon Andrej Babiš in June 2013, followed by the takeover of the Czech branch of Ringier by other Czech businessmen later that year.
Abstract: In recent years, the Czech Republic has seen the largest changes in media ownership since the early 1990s.